a little swinging girl

This winter has been more like the perfect summer (makes me worried for summer!). The kids were outside playing and Rhys looked so sweet swinging. She would not look at me over the swing, so some of the photos were kind of funny, looking like she was hiding in her swing. I thought she looked too sweet. I have some more of the other kids that I'm planning on posting when I have more time.

Love her little swinging legs!

Rhys is entering a new stage.  She can understand everything we say really well (has been able to for a looooong time now) and will tell us yes or no to whatever we ask, but she doesn't speak very much yet.  She is trying, though.  She thinks she can talk.  She will talk like she's talking, but it hasn't turned into understandable English yet...for the most part.  She does say some words.  Some of the other kids were like this, and then ended all ended up advanced little speakers when they did start, so we're not worried.  She is at such a cute age.  I can hardly stand it sometimes!  I love her tender little self.  I'm excited for when those words leave her mouth the way she thinks they are.

Rhys is starting to enter into the little girl stage and out of the baby stage (though she is still very much a squishy baby girl!).  She and Violet are starting to play together a little bit more.  It's very cute.  Here they eating their popcorn treat, watching a movie together.  I apparently didn't take the photo like I thought I did, but Emma & TS are sitting next to each other eating some popcorn too.

And, here's Ella.  She is five months old and regularly kills us with her cuteness.  The Lord knew what he was doing when he made babies so adorable!  Speaking of which, this baby just woke up.  I'll post more photos later.


  1. Oh my gosh!!! Those legs!!! They are so squishy cute!!!

  2. LOVE the cute chubby legs!! on both your little ones! =) so so precious!

  3. Not entirely sure I would enjoy being killed with cuteness, especially when it's constant.

  4. It's a painful life I lead...


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