Our Little Taste of Heaven New Website

Hey Everyone!

I realize a lot of you already know this from our Facebook posts yesterday, but in case there are those that only follow along here, I wanted to let you know that we have a website now. The new website has a different blog that I'll be using to update about our family instead of this one. 

It's at www.ourlittletasteofheaven.org (not . com). You can click on any of the "subscribe" options to sign up to receive our email updates over there, if you want. Everything I post on our FB page will also be posted there, as well as some little family updates. I'll also be using the website to focus some of my photography & videography obsessions. I just haven't gotten to that part yet (website is a work in progress currently!). 

But Emma is currently in the hospital, and we're trying to figure out exactly what is going on with her. I'll be updating things over there as it goes along. 

Thanks so much!

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays :)


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