Our Halloween

The past seven years or so, I've felt rather preoccupied, and sometimes completely overwhelmed, with pregnancies and new babies, and I haven't had the focus to do the extra fun little things that I thought would make fun memories for the kids...

So, I made up for it this month and made way too many things.

Through out the month of October, we made a lot of fun Halloween themed things.  Here are some photos:

Mummy Dogs:

Eyeballs (which weren't very realistic looking).  I didn't have any of the red stuff to paint the veins on better, and so I just used ketchup.  

 Here are the kids seeing it for the first time.  They were seriously so grossed out by the eyeballs, it was funny.  Emma thought she was going to be sick.  It made me laugh.

Earwax on Q-tips, quite tasty!  Though, we didn't eat much of it (I made more than the amount shown here).  We each had a few and then tossed the rest.  It was homemade caramel too.

Frankenstein Twinkie Pops:

Mummy Twinkie Pops:

Packaged them up all nice and went around and delivered them to some of our friend's mailboxes.  We ate a few too.  The Frankenstein ones were the yummiest with the chocolate.  So delicious!  If only we could eat these everyday...or at least more than just 1 or 2 of them total.

We also made some snicker doodle cupcake things.  They were SO yummy:

They had cinnamon chips in them.  Seriously so delicious!

Yeah, I know.  That looks like a lot of crappy food.  And, it was!  It was also really fun to make, eat a little bit of, and then give or throw the rest away.  

Then for Halloween, we made a graveyard cake.  It didn't really look like a graveyard because I didn't realize I hadn't bought enough Oreos, but it was really tasty!  The especially neat thing about this photo, though, is that I caught two of them in the middle of a blink, another in a squinty eye expression, and only one looking at me.  

We had the kids dress up in their Halloween costumes.  Then we did a scavenger hunt in the house.  We started off by giving them a note with a clue (very simple clues so they could read and figure it out one their own).  They'd go look where it said, and they found a bag of candy for them to share, as well as another note telling them where to look for the next bag.  And thus it happened, on and on.  They had a ton of fun.

Before the night ended, I thought it would be fun to take a quick photo of the kids in their costumes.

(I feel the need to apologize for the lack of quality with the photos because (a) I'm too lazy to try to edit them much, and (b) The kids were all hyperspastic, and I knew we were doomed.)

Everyone is clearly very thrilled about having their photo taken.  Ella looks especially excited to be a ladybug (it was pretty hot outside, so we couldn't put the pants on her or else she'd over heat).

Realizing Rhys was missing, we grabbed her and stuck her next to the others.  Apparently that was very painful for TS:

And, here's the best photo we got, with all children included in it.  
I especially like the direction Rhys is facing.

Then Rhys started escaping...

Now Ella is trying to escape:

Both are succeeding:

And, she's free.  Except she can't get out of the costume.  So, I ended up taking it off.  At least we got some beautiful photos of her in it.  Oh wait, no...no, we didn't.  At least we got some crappy photos of her in it screaming.  That's good enough for me.

Kids make life so much more exciting, disorganized, and fun.  It was a fun month.


  1. that was hilarious! I love Tyler(big Tyler)'s expression in the first group pic. And I love how horridly miserable Ella looks. Bottom line, the whole thing made me laugh...super cute.


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